ACGA Member Benefits
The Hobstar
The association's highly educational journal is
published 10 times a year and filled with interesting articles and
pictures relating to American Cut Glass.
Browse previews of recent The Hobstar issues.
Annual Convention
Conventions are normally held in the later part of July. Association members and friends get together for four days of seminars, lectures, workshops, and a whole lot of fun. The heart of the event is a dazzling show and sale of some of the finest American Cut Glass, presented by a group of knowledgeable and respected dealers. The dealer's show is a vetted show. Buyers can purchase knowing they are getting a piece of authentic American Brilliant Cut Glass. Browse here for information on this year's Convention.
Catalog Reproductions
ACGA reproduces, publishes and offers original cut glass catalogs from a variety of companies in business since the end of the 19th century. While you do not need to be a member to purchase these catalogs, non-members pay a 20% premium. Browse here to see what catalogs are available.
Out-of-Print Catalogs Available Online
ACGA has out-of-print catalogs available online, for your glass research, in our Members-Only section.
Regional Chapters
You may also join one or more of the 19 ACGA regional chapters. Chapters generally meet three or four times a year to share knowledge through programs presented on cut glass. They are an excellent basis for local programs and projects of an American Cut Glass nature and the development of friendships with others who share an interest in this unique subject of study in antiques. Find out more about our chapters here.
Member's Only Website
A great source of information, unpublished cut glass catalogs, a back library of the majority of the Hobstars. To aid in research, there's a search engine so you can find articles and photo's on a pattern you are researching. Welcome to American Brilliant Cut Glass in the 21st Century!
Collector's Insurance
The ACGA and Huntington T. Block Insurance Company, Inc. have partnered to provide ACGA members with a unique, low cost, broad coverage insurance program that will bring you peace of mind knowing that your collection is properly protected. Huntington T. Block Insurance Company is the leading provider of fine art/collections coverage and expertise. To learn more about this ACGA Member Benefit, please call Jeff Minett, 212 479 4674 or email:
Brilliant Weekends
Sponsored by ACGA Chapters, BRILLIANT WEEKENDS is a general term for a special event held during the springtime and occasionally in the fall, allowing another opportunity to congregate, acquire, discuss and share in the enthusiasm of collecting American Brilliant Cut Glass.
Membership Directory
Published annually, and also available in the Members Only section of our web site, the directory lists ACGA members, dealers, and appraisers, and their contact information.
Pattern Identification
ACGA has a Pattern ID committee, which will try to identify the memberships' unknown patterns free of charge.
The ACGA Collection
The ACGA Collection of American Brilliant Cut Glass is located at the Fort Wayne, IN Museum of Art.
One of the best benefits of all, the other members of the ACGA, who make all the difference for beginning collectors by providing a resource for collecting tips, research materials, avoiding pitfalls and celebrating victories.